Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Guggenheim Bilbao essays

Guggenheim Bilbao essays Phillip Johnson, the dean of American architects called Guggenheim Museum Bilbao the greatest building of our century. Designed by Frank O. Gehry, this sprawling, organic plan resembles a living organism, like some gigantic metallic flower growing along the bank of a river. This unique Museum built on a 32,500 square meter site in the center of Bilbao represents an amazing construction feat. On one side it runs down to the waterside of the Nervin River, 16 meters below the level of the rest of the city of Bilbao. One end is pierced through by the huge Puente de La Salve, one of the main access routes into the city. It is a truly divine architectural achievement of the century. Concepts of architecture for arts sake, todays museum buildings are not only storage for art pieces, but the building itself is an element of art. The choice of Bilbao as the venue for one of the Guggenheim European centers is best understood in the context of the initiatives implemented by the Basque authorities as a contribution to the process of revitalizing the Basque Country's recession-plagued economic structure. These initiatives were also seen as a means of increasing the chances of the city's metropolitan area becoming the major reference point for European regions on the Atlantic seaboard The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the most important ingredients in the plan to redevelop the city of Bilbao. The plan, involving a number of major projects conceived by some of the world's most prestigious architects, includes the work now in progress to increase operational capacity at the city's port, the restoring of the city's airport, a mission entrusted to Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, a new Conference and Performing Arts Center, designed by Federico Soriano, the construction of a metropolitan railway - much of it underground - designed by Sir Norman Foster, and a new footbridge crossing the river a...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Año fiscal en EE.UU. y efectos migratorios

Aà ±o fiscal en EE.UU. y efectos migratorios En Estados Unidos, el aà ±o fiscal del gobierno federal son los 12 meses comprendidos entre el 1 de octubre de un aà ±o y el 30 de septiembre del siguiente. Se le denomina FY por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Las fechas de inicio y final del aà ±o fiscal federal se fijaron en 1976 con el objeto de que el gobierno tuviese tiempo suficiente para presentar su presupuesto para el aà ±o siguiente y obtener su aprobacià ³n. Puntos Clave: Aà ±o fiscal Aà ±o fiscal federal : 1 de octubre al 30 de septiembre del aà ±o siguiente.Los estados establecen las fechas de sus aà ±os fiscalesLas empresas pueden decidir cules son los 12 meses de su aà ±o fiscal.El aà ±o fiscal federal afecta a visas, loterà ­as y green card. Aà ±o fiscal de los estados en EE.UU. Los 50 estados y los territorios de Estados Unidos pueden fijar las fechas de sus propios aà ±os fiscales para los asuntos dentro de sus competencias. En la actualidad, solo en el aà ±o fiscal Alabama y Michigan coincide con el federal de 1 de octubre a 31 de septiembre del aà ±o siguiente. Por otro lado, 46 estados inician su aà ±o fiscal el 1 de julio y lo finalizan el 30 de junio del aà ±o siguiente al igual que el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Finalmente, en Nueva York el aà ±o fiscal corre del 1 de abril al 31 de marzo y en Texas del 1 de septiembre al 1 de agosto. Aà ±o fiscal (fiscal year) y aà ±o impositivo (tax year) Para los negocios, el Servicio de Ingresos Internos (IRS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) distingue entre aà ±o fiscal y aà ±o impositivo. El aà ±o fiscal para las empresas son 12 meses consecutivos cuyo dà ­a final coincide con el fin de un trimestre, es decir, 31 de marzo, 30 de junio, 30 de septiembre o 31 de diciembre. En la mayorà ­a de los casos es la propia empresa la que decide cundo empieza y finaliza su aà ±o fiscal y lo utiliza en su propia contabilidad. El aà ±o impositivo o de pago de impuestos (tax year) de una empresa puede coincidir con su aà ±o fiscal o con el aà ±o de calendario, es decir, del 1 al 31 de diciembre. Por otro lado, las fechas para presentar las planillas de impuestos (IRS filing) son las que fija el gobierno para todas las empresas, segà ºn su tipologà ­a. Aà ±o fiscal y estadà ­sticas migratorias Inmigracià ³n es una competencia del gobierno federal de Estados Unidos, por esta razà ³n todas las estadà ­sticas se computan teniendo en cuenta su aà ±o fiscal. Por ejemplo, en el FY18 se aprobaron 236.526 visas de inmigrante en la categorà ­a de familiares inmediatos. Esto quiere decir que entre el 1 de octubre de 2017 y el 30 de septiembre de 2018 la cantidad citada de cà ³nyuges, padres, madres e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de ciudadanos estadounidenses obtuvieron la tarjeta de residente permanente por peticià ³n del ciudadano. El aà ±o fiscal se puede dividir en trimestres (Q, por su sigla en inglà ©s). El primer trimestre (Q1) comprende desde el 1 de octubre al 31 de diciembre y asà ­ sucesivamente hasta llegar al cuarto (Q4) de 1 de julio a 30 de septiembre. Por ejemplo en Q1FY18 las autoridades migratorias aprobaron 140.467 ajustes de estatus. Eso quiere decir que de 1 de octubre a 31 de diciembre de 2017 ese nà ºmero de extranjeros obtuvieron la tarjeta de residencia permanente por ese trmite. Aà ±o fiscal: là ­mites y retrasos en categorà ­as de visas El aà ±o fiscal tiene un gran impacto en los casos en los que se concede un nà ºmero fijo de una determinada categorà ­a de visas por aà ±o fiscal. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como annual cap. Este problema del annual cap afecta tanto a algunas visas no inmigrantes como a algunos tipos de visas inmigrantes, por ejemplo: Visa H-1B para profesionales y modelos. Si bien hay importantes excepcionesVisas U para và ­ctimas de la violenciaVisado T para và ­ctimas de trfico humanoH-2A y H-2B para trabajos en agricultura y no cualificadosPeticiones de green card de ciudadanos para hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os, hijos casados y hermanos y de residentes permanentes para sus cà ³nyuges e hijos solterosVisa EB-5 para inversionistasConcesià ³n de estatus de asilado o refugiado polà ­ticoLoterà ­a de visas de diversidad En los casos en los que el nà ºmero de solicitudes en una determinada categorà ­a de visa es superior al là ­mite fijado por aà ±o fiscal se pueden producir dos situaciones diferentes. En primer lugar, se producen retrasos, que pueden llegar a ser enormes por acumularse aà ±o tras aà ±o ms peticiones que visas disponibles, como es el caso de la visa U que tiene asignado un mximo de 10.000 visas por aà ±o fiscal y que lleva en estos momentos un retraso superior a tres aà ±os y medio para que USCIS decida sobre los primeros pasos de si aprueba el permiso de trabajo. Otro ejemplo de retrasos por esta causa se da en las peticiones familiares en las categorà ­as con là ­mites anuales. Las demoras pueden verificarse mes a mes en el boletà ­n de visas. En segundo lugar, se celebra una loterà ­a entre las solicitudes y se procesa la visa para quien gana. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de la visa H-1B para profesionales. En general funciona de la siguiente manera: Existe un là ­mite anual por aà ±o fiscal de 20.000 visas para los profesionales que estudiaron la maestrà ­a en EE.UU., otra de 65.000 visas para profesionales en general y, finalmente un cupo de 6.500 visas para à ºnicamente ciudadanos de Chile y Singapur. El 1 de abril se abre el plazo de presentacià ³n de solicitudes. Los seis aà ±os anteriores, a los cinco dà ­as ya habà ­a ms peticiones que visas disponibles y se cerrà ³ el plazo. A los pocos dà ­as se celebrà ³ la loterà ­a y quienes no la ganaron deben presentar de nuevo la solicitud, si asà ­ lo desean, al aà ±o siguiente. Cabe destacar que no todas las H-1B estn sujetas a là ­mites. Por ejemplo, cuando el patrocinador es un instituto investigador o educativo puede pedir las que necesite a lo largo del aà ±o. Adems, la administracià ³n del presidente Donald Trump est elaborando nuevas directrices y es posible que se anuncie la obligatoriedad de pre-registrarse. Aà ±o fiscal y fechas para presentarse a H1-B y loterà ­a de visas Con respecto a la visa H1-B la normativa vigente dice que las solicitudes pueden presentarse seis meses antes del inicio del aà ±o fiscal para el que se aplica. Excepto en los casos ya nombrados de excepciones en los que los solicitantes no estn sujetos al là ­mite anual, est ocurriendo que hay ms solicitantes de visa que nà ºmero de visas y asà ­ durante meses no se puede emitir ninguna nueva, hay que esperar al nuevo cupo con el nuevo aà ±o fiscal. Esto quiere decir que si un extranjero que aspira a una visa H-1B que no est exenta del là ­mite anual debe esperar al 1 de octubre, es decir, al inicio del aà ±o fiscal. Sin embargo, para obtenerla la empresa patrocinadora debe presentar los papeles 6 meses antes. Por ejemplo, para una visa del FY20 debe presentarse la solicitud el 1 de abril de 2019. Con respecto a la loterà ­a de visas para obtener la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, el plazo para registrarse gratuitamente se inicia al comienzo del aà ±o fiscal, generalmente en torno al 3 o 4 de octubre, y finaliza un mes despuà ©s. Por ejemplo, para participar en la loterà ­a de visas (DV por sus siglas en inglà ©s) del aà ±o fiscal 2021 (DV21), el solicitante debe registrarse en la pgina oficial en octubre de 2019 hasta principios de noviembre de ese mismo aà ±o. Todo el proceso se demora para los ganadores hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2020 y ya podrà ­an disfrutar de su green card a partir del 1 de octubre de 2020, esto es, el aà ±o fiscal 2021. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Construction Contract Law 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Construction Contract Law 2 - Essay Example However, Comfort Kitchens Limited are currently in default of payments, have failed to comply with the conditions of the contract regarding water isolation and have undertaken repairs in breach of the express terms of the contract. As such, there is no contention that Comfort Kitchens is in breach of contract on a strict interpretation of the express contractual terms (Cracknell, 2003). However, the central issue of contention will be X’s rights against Comfort Kitchens for the breach. In business contracts the law distinguishes between breach of conditions and warranties (Treitel, 2007). Only a breach of condition will permit an innocent party to terminate the contract as a fundamental breach (Chitty 2007). Moreover, a fundamental breach will grant the right to sue for damages for the breach (Treitel, 2007). Material breach of contract in contract law is further referred to as repudiatory breach (Treitel, 2007). In the leading case of Suisse Atlantique Societe d’Armement Maritime SA v NV Rotterdamsche Kolen Centralem ([1966] 1 Lloyds Rep 166), Lord Reid defined fundamental breach as â€Å"a well known type of breach which entitles the innocent party to treat it as repudiatory and to rescind the contract†. Moreover, as a matter of law, in the case of Photo Productions Limited v Securicor Transport Limited ([1980] AC 827) it was held that the relevant factor in determining whether a term was a condition or not was the intention of the parties. This wa s further affirmed in the decision of Edward v Skyways ([1964] 1 WLR 349). Nevertheless, it is necessary to protect against abuse of the presumption especially in unequal bargaining power scenarios and case law acknowledges that the presumption in commercial contracts can be rebutted. For example, in the case of JH Milner v Percy Bilton [1966] 1 WLR 1582] it was determined that the presumption of intention

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Intentional & Unintentional Socialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intentional & Unintentional Socialization - Essay Example This affect the person’s development of how their self-concept, how they feel, how they think, and how they act. Hence, socialization may be intentional and unintentional. Intentional socialization is the acquiring of social experience which is done on purpose. This happens â€Å"when adults have certain values that they consistently convey explicitly to the child, and when they back these up with approval for compliance and negative consequences for noncompliance† (Berns). Take for an instance the potty training that a child receives. Reminding the child continuously on how to use the toilet for urination and defecation makes the child aware that there is a proper place to do it. Another example is an adult reminding the child on not talking to strangers. The consistent reminder will let the child learn that it is not proper to talk to a person that you do not know because that person may hurt him or her. Also, an adult reminding a child to brush his teeth three times a day gives the child the impression of the importance of oral hygiene. The negative reinforcement of hitting or embarrassing the child when he/she did not do it right or giving positive reinforcement when he did it right makes it easier for him to remember these. On the other hand, unintentional socialization is acquired more as â€Å"the product of involvement in human interaction or observation† (Berns). For example, when a child sees his parents fighting, he might take it as if it is okay to shout at each other during a conversation. Another instance is that when a child sees that an adult smokes frequently, he may perceive smoking as good for the health. Moreover, the child will have the instinct to do it when he reaches the same age. Also, if a child is the only girl born in the family, she might have the tendency to resemble the look of his boy siblings, choosing more loose pair of jeans and clothes. So to say, the development of human personality is influenced

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Of mice and men Essay Example for Free

Of mice and men Essay Crooks is an educated black cripple who tends horses on the ranch. He has been prey of oppressive violence and prejudice and has retired behind an exterior of detachment and reserve, his natural personality deadened and suppressed by years of hostility. He has known better times and, unlike most southern blacks at that time, was brought up on a small holding run by his father. This is the type of home longed for by Lennie, George and Candy and, despite his initial cynicism, Crooks also becomes caught up in their dream of escape. Crooks automatic rejection of friendship or companionship has more to do with the torture of his loneliness than with anything else. Once encouraged to do so, he reveals that he has an intelligent awareness of life. He has thought hard during his long hours of solitude. His new found confidence and self-respect encourage him to try to counter the intrusion of Curleys wife, but he is humiliated by her vicious threats. His new optimism is finally defeated by Georges dismissive attitude to the suggestion that he might participate in the running of the Dream Farm. Crooks loses out on a lot of things because he is not part of the white community. He loses out mainly on friendship, which causes Crooks to feel isolate and lonely throughout the novel. Crooks is a very lonely man and so he reads a lot, if he was to mix with the white community he would be out enjoying himself. He has no one to talk to and is segregated from the rest of the ranch community having his own room in the barn. I think if Crooks were to have a choice he would enjoy mixing with the white men but at the first sign of trouble he would return to the protectiveness of how own room in the barn. Crooks loses out mainly on respect from the ranch community because he is willing to do anything in which he is told to do. He still receives no praise or respect form the ranch community. I think Crooks has drawn himself into a false sense of security, he has hidden himself form the rest of the world, afraid to show his true personality. Crooks Im sure is a kind and generous person but because of the years of torment and segregation he is forced to remain hospitable to the white community. Crooks is a smart and educated person who is not able to show his thoughts and emotions to anyone. He does not complain about the insults and racial remarks which Curleys wife makes because he knows if he does his new found confidence will be shattered with an extreme racial remark. Crooks although he loses out greatly also gains a lot from being segregated from the rest. He keeps himself to himself giving him plenty of time to think things through. I think Crooks imagines that if he were to mix with the white community he would only receive abuse. An example of this was when Crooks got into a fight when he was allowed into the ranch at Christmas. This is also why Crooks gains a lot form not being apart of the white community ie not being there for them to abuse or to make racial remarks towards. Nicholas Toland 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nuclear Energy is Safe and Clean Essay -- Power Plant Energy Safety

Abstract Nuclear energy is a promising source of electricity for the future. Although there are many people against it, it is only because many do not know of the progresses nuclear energy has made since it was started. Nuclear energy has become one of the cleanest sources of energy with minimum radiation. These are such small quantities that we receive only about .5 millirems of it yearly while nature sums it up to 360 millirems for the average person. Many of us shy away from nuclear energy due to fear caused by ignorance but with some patience and research one can realize the potential that nuclear power has and how it can shape a new era in the future. It is an energy source with massive amounts of energy as a byproduct of its fission and over the years we have acquired the technology not only to harness it but to make it a renewable resource as well to fast breeders. Nuclear power may seem like a heavy investment but it is a change much needed for the growing economy and dependence on el ectricity. Introduction Nuclear energy has proven itself to be a clean source of energy; yet, fear of radiation has kept its use from becoming more expansive. Nuclear energy is one of the newer types of energy sources used yet ignorance over the true dangers of nuclear energy causes the public to push away a potential energy source. Fear of radiation is illogical because everyone is exposed to background radiation every day. We receive radiation from cosmic rays, outer space, radon gas, and from naturally radioactive elements in the earth. Each year in the United States, the average dose to people from natural and man-made radiation sources is about 360 millirem.(mrem)(Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management) Millirems are units o... ...er types of breeder reactors are the LMFBR’s or the liquid metal fast breeder reactors. These reactors are either lead cooled or sodium cooled. These types of reactors place more emphasis in the fact that nuclear power has become safer and more efficient to where no matter the disadvantages the advantages greatly outnumber the costs of using nuclear energy. References Brain, Marshall. (2015) "How Nuclear Power Works" Web. 29 May 2015. http://science.howstuffworks.com/nuclear-power.htm McCarthy, J. (2013) Web. 29 May 2015. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/progress/nuclear-faq.html Thomas, Steve. "The Economics of Nuclear Power." (2005) Web. 29 May 2015. http://www.nirs.org/c20/atommythen_thomas.pdf Timeline - Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Twentieth Century. (2015) Web. 29 May 2015. http://www.greatachievements.org/?id=2984

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


The fate of Orestes lies with the powerful goddess Athena. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, law, and Justice, is the Judge for the trial of Orestes. Orestes is being tried for the murder of his mother, Clytemnestra. Orestes never states that he did not kill his mother, but instead he claims it was Justifiable homicide. Clytemnestra killed Orestes' father Agamemnon, so Orestes got revenge on her. Apollo, the son of Zeus, sides with Orestes and acts as a spokesperson and attorney for him.The Furies, ancient goddesses who are brutal creatures of revenge, represent the ghost of Clytemnestra in the play. Apollo and the Furies clash many times throughout the trial, and it makes for an exciting showdown. At the conclusion of the trial, the case is so close that not even Athena feels fit to decide Orestes' destiny. She calls upon a group of men to decide the case, and this sets the foundation of a Jury that will Judge all future murder cases. Athena casts her vote in favor of Orestes, and that will be the deciding vote if the Jurors are tied.There's a moment of suspense as the ballots are tallied, then Athena announces that the ballots are tied: Orestes is set free. The actors that led to this verdict in favor of Orestes are: males are superior to females; Zeus approved the murder of Clytemnestra; Clytemnestra broke the sacred marriage bond by murdering her husband; and the acquittal will lead to a pact between Athens and the Furies. Athena's decision to free Orestes not only changes Orestes' life, but the life of Athens for years to come.One of the dynamics that led to the Judgment in favor of Orestes is the superiority of paternity over maternity. Orestes' defense is that the murder of a woman is less significant than the murder of a man, so the killing of Clytemnestra should be seen in ight of the slaying of Agamemnon. Apollo states that a person can have a father and no mother, and points to Athena as a perfect example of this. Athena was born from Zeus' skull instea d of the womb of her mother. Apollo then argues that the father, the one who plants the seed, is the only true parent.Therefore, Orestes' slaying of Clytemnestra was warranted. Another reason Orestes' murder was Justified is because Clytemnestra killed her husband and broke the sanctified marriage bond. The Furies respond by saying Orestes' murder of his mother was worse, because he killed his own blood. Here, we ee a clash of the old and new deities: The ancient goddesses known as the Furies versus the leaders of the new school, Zeus and Apollo. The Furies stress the sacredness of family blood while Apollo stresses the sacredness of marriage.The primitive, older goddesses are defending the blood relation, as it's the fundamental link between child and parent that's handed down from generation to generation. The marriage bond is much newer than the blood bond, as marriage is a product of civilization and structure in society. â€Å"Marriage of a man and wife is fate itself, stronge r than oaths, and Justice guards its life. (L. 21 5) Apollos claiming that nothing is stronger than fate, and marriage is brought about by fate. Also, by saying that â€Å"Justice guards its life,† Apollos claiming that if someone breaks a marriage, they should have to face Justice.Because Clytemnestra broke her marriage ties by killing her husband, she should pay the price with death. Another tactor tavoring Orestes is Zeus authorized and permi ed tt the assassination of Clytemnestra. Zeus, king of the gods and embodiment of Justice, couldn't possibly have ordered something unjust. However, the Furies once again fire back, and they xpress that Zeus himself put his own father in shackles. This statement appalls Apollo, as he argues there's an enormous difference between shackling a man and murdering him. Zeus' power and dominance cannot be compared to that of any other man or god.If Zeus sanctioned the murder of Clytemnestra, then it must be validated. The last element that l ed to the outcome in support of Orestes is the acquittal would result in a treaty between Athens and Argos. The result of the trial is much to the benefit of Athena and her great city. At first, the Furies are outraged by the verdict and they promise to bring destruction to the land. After multiple attempts, Athena's finally able to reason with the Furies. She explains to them that they will be beneficiaries of Athens if they choose to come.Instead of continuing on a path of hatred and destruction, Athena offers them peace and a comfortable home. â€Å"l will embrace one home with you, Athena, never fail the city, you, and Zeus almighty' (L. 927-930). Finally, they take her up on the offer, and the Furies promise to defend Athens for it's best interests. The tone of the Furies changes from anger and hate to mercy and love. The Furies Job is to preside over Athens, and act as the citys guardians. Peace and harmony will finally reign over the mighty city of Athens.The ending to the p lay came as a major surprise, as Orestes was set free and the Furies made peace with the city of Athens. The trial of Orestes was a huge turning point in Greek society. Athena's decision to pick a Jury to decide the fate of Orestes set a precedent that is still in place today for all murder trials. All of the events that rocked the House of Atreus led to a unique connection between the Furies and Athena's wonderful city, the city of Athens. In the end, rather than destroying each other, the new deities integrated with the old to form an unbreakable bond.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 22

I straightened the cuffs on my neatly pressed white shirt and buttoned my overcoat. The shiny brass buttons glinted in the lamplight as I turned the corner onto Laurel Street. I wiped my face, to make sure no blood lingered on my lips. Id visited my barmaid from Miladies, sating my hunger before my evening out on the town with Callie. The barmaids blood had tasted sweet, like lilies dipped in honey. The second the warmth had hit my tongue, my senses had become honed and the world had sharpened around the edges. Now the cicadas shrieked in my ears and the smell of roses assaulted my nose, but my stomach was calm and my veins were sated. I was ready for my date. The park at the end of the street was filled with magnolias and ancient elm trees, and in the center, a marble fountain was topped with a sculpture of a naked woman. Through the burble of the fountain, I could hear the beating of a human heart. â€Å"Hello?† I called. â€Å"Stefan!† Callie stepped out from behind a stone cherub into the weak light of a gas lamp. Her red hair, a flame in the flickering light, hung loose and curly around her shoulders. She wore a simple, cream-colored dress, with a lace bodice and a flouncy skirt that draped over her tiny hips. Blood raced through my body. â€Å"What?† Callie said, reddening as she noticed my stare. â€Å"You look, uh, like a girl,† I said. She looked beautiful. â€Å"Gee, thanks.† Callie rolled her eyes and softly slugged my shoulder. â€Å"Youre just used to seeing me in work clothes.† She gazed at me. â€Å"You look quite handsome.† I cleared my throat and tugged on my collar. Suddenly my clothes felt uncomfortable and constricting, and the night air stuffy. I wondered briefly if the barmaid had something in her blood that hadnt agreed with me. â€Å"Thank you,† I said formally. â€Å"Stefan?† Callie lifted her arm expectantly. â€Å"Oh, of course.† I took her arm in mine. Her freckled hand grazed my palm. I flinched and readjusted so that her hand was resting on the soft fabric of my jacket. â€Å"Where to, Miss Gallagher?† She looked up at me, a smile on her face. â€Å"Bourbon Street, of course.† Callie guided me through cobblestone side streets, where gardenias dripped from balconies. On a whim, I grabbed one and tucked it behind her ear. Back home in Mystic Falls, it was customary to bring flowers or a small token when visiting with a lady. â€Å"Want to know a secret?† Callie whispered. â€Å"What?† I asked, curious. I was already the bearer of too many secrets. But perhaps Callies could lead me to Damon She got up on tiptoe and cupped my ear with her hand. The sound of her blood pumping beneath her skin magnified tenfold. I gritted my teeth, forcing my fangs back down. â€Å"Your shirt has come untucked,† she whispered. â€Å"Oh,† I said, as I self-consciously smoothed down my shirt. â€Å"Thanks.† Callie let out a gleeful laugh. â€Å"You know what I really want to see?† she asked, grabbing my arm. â€Å"What?† I asked, trying to devote all my energy to not listening to the steady thrum of her blood. â€Å"A burlesque show. Madame X has a showeveryone'sbeen talking about,† she said. We walked together through the town, past bustling crowds and wavering street carts, ending up in a well-kept neighborhood in front of a pristine, stately house. A simple placard next to the door readMADAME Xin black script. Soft lamplight shone from all the windows, and carriages pulled up, one after another, to the front gate, releasing their well-dressed passengers into the depths of the club. I momentarily panicked. I didnt have any money. And I was wearing a schoolboys clothes that hadnt been in style since the turn of the century. â€Å"Callie, I think † I began, trying to come up with an alternate idea for our evening when the front door swung open to greet us. â€Å"Good evening. Are you guests of the house?† The mans eyes flicked down my old clothes. I was wildly underdressed for this venue, and I knew it. Callie, however, looked radiant. â€Å"Yes,† Callie jumped in, straightening her shoulders. â€Å"And your names?† From the way Callies lips flattened, I could tell she hadnt realized there was a guest list. I stepped in front of her, suddenly inspired. â€Å"Were the Picards. Remy and his wife, Calliope.† â€Å"One moment, sir.† The man waddled in his slippers over to a podium holding a list that almost certainly did not include Mr. Remy Picards name. He turned a page, then turned it back. â€Å"What are you doing, Stefan?† Callie whispered. â€Å"I have it under control,† I said quietly. â€Å"Just smile and look pretty.† The man returned, looking genuinely distressed. â€Å"Im terribly sorry, sir, but your name is not on our list for tonight.† He glanced around, as if ready to beckon a security guard if we made trouble. I want you to let us in without asking us any more questions, I thought, channeling all my energy. â€Å"Wed really like to come in,† I said aloud, concentrating on looking deep into his eyes, ignoring Callies curious gaze boring into my back. â€Å"Are you sure you didnt see our names on the list?† The mans eyes flickered. Let us in without looking at the list. â€Å"You know, I believe Imighthave seen your names. In fact, Im sure I did. The Picards! Im sorry. It was my confusion. Right this way,† he said, a slightly vacant expression on his face. He led us through large double doors and into a sumptuous parlor. Low crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the air smelled of jasmine, magnolia, and freesia. â€Å"Enjoy your stay at Madame Xs. And if I can be of any assistance to either of you, dont hesitate to come fetch me,† the man said, turning on his heel. â€Å"Thank you,† I said. Callie simply stood there, looking slack-jawed at me. â€Å"How did you do that?† I shrugged. â€Å"I just made him doubt himself. He wouldnt want to say no to the Picards, whoever they are. Besides, what if our nameswereon the list, and he said no to us, then we complained to the owner?† Secretly, I was thrilled. My Power was strengthening. â€Å"So I take it that this isnt your first time sneaking in where you dont belong?† I glanced at her slyly. â€Å"You of all people should know that to be true.† She laughed, and I gave her an impromptu twirl. People stared at us. Even though a pianist was playing a jaunty tune in the corner, this wasnt a room where people danced. Instead, guests drifted from one conversation to the next as they sucked on cigars and gulped down champagne. â€Å"Do you know anyone here?† I asked as we brushed past couple after couple, all clad in finery. Callie shrugged, the shadow of a frown crossing her face. She glanced around the room. â€Å"They all hate Father. They say hes a Unionist whos taking advantage of New Orleans with his business. And perhaps he is, but at least his show doesnt pretend to be something its not,† she said, jutting her chin. I shifted in my seat. Wasnt that exactly what I was doing? Pretending to be someone I wasnt? I couldnt look at her, in case she could see the depths of my lies in my eyes. A server came by with a tray laden with champagne. I grabbed two glasses. â€Å"Cheers,† I said, handing one to Callie. As we sipped the bubbling liquid, conversations swirled around us, growing louder and more boisterous with every tray of drinks the waiters brought out to serve. Mens movements grew more languid, women laughed more readily. â€Å"Is your father ready for the next show?† I asked, forcing a conversational note to my voice. â€Å"I suppose so.† â€Å"Who will the vampire be fighting?† â€Å"I dont know,† Callie said. â€Å"A crocodile, or maybe a tiger. It depends on what Father can get on such short notice. Why?† I shrugged noncommittally. â€Å"I want to place a bet.† â€Å"Father wants something cheap. Hes worried people wont pony up as much money for another animal fight. It seems the monsters much stronger than a beast.† â€Å"Oh,† I said, trying to process the information. â€Å"But lets not talk about work. Tonight is supposed to be fun! Lord knows we dont have enough of it in our real lives.† Callies voice grew melancholy. â€Å"Speaking of fun,† she said, pointing to a small crowd moving through a set of double doors at the back of the club, â€Å"I think the burlesque show is back there.† â€Å"Shall we?† I asked, offering my arm. The back room, much smaller than the first one, had numerous wooden tables crammed onto the floor. A stage was set up at the front of the room, and the space was dimly lit by candles. Instead of joining the crush toward the front, Callie and I sat back on a low-slung, red velvet bench beneath a large mirror in the back of the room. As soon as everyone settled into seats, a master of ceremonies took to the stage. I was surprised to see that he was a man wearing a dinner suit and cape. Id imagined a burlesque show to be louder, larger than this, with plenty of music and scantily clad women. â€Å"Good evening! As weve all heard, we have a vampire in our midst,† he said dramatically. Audience members tittered nervously. I glanced at Callie out of the corner of my eye. Was this some sort of trap? Did she know what I was? But Callie was leaning forward, as if mesmerized by the mans words. The master of ceremonies smiled, drinking in the suspense. â€Å"Yes, a vampire. Down at that two-bit circus by the lake.† Jeers filled the room. Callie hadnt been exaggerating when shed said her father was infamous in this town. I turned to look at her. Although her cheeks were as red as her hair, she gazed straight ahead, her elbows on her knees. â€Å"And eyewitnesses say Gallagher had to chain his up so it wont run away. But, here at Madame Xs, our vampire has come to visit all on his own.† â€Å"We can go if you want,† I whispered. But Callie shook her head and clasped my hand. It felt warm against my cool skin, but this time I didnt push her away. â€Å"No, I want to stay.† A thin man walked onstage, clad in a black cape. His face was powdered, and thin lines of fake blood were drawn from the corners of his lips. He smiled at the crowd, revealing fake fangs. I shifted in my seat. â€Å"I am a vampire, and you all are my prey! Come to me, my pretties!† he cackled, in an exaggerated voice that made me squirm. The â€Å"vampire† stalked around the stage, his teeth bared and his eyes scanning the audience. A woman in a pearl-embroidered gown stood up from a table in the front and walked toward the stage as if in a trance, emitting a low moan with each step. â€Å"The vampire has special eyes that can see through clothing. And this vampire, ladies and gentlemen, likes what he sees!† The master of ceremonies leered at the audience. At this, the audience applauded enthusiastically. I glanced at Callie again. Had she known this was a show about vampires? â€Å"But, now, the vampire has his hunger awakened. And what hell do to feed the hunger, you wont believe,† the master of ceremonies said as the vampire onstage waved his hands toward the woman, as if conducting an orchestra. As he did that, a trumpet player began playing a slow, mournful tune. The woman began to move her hips, slowly at first, and then more and more quickly until she looked as though she would topple over. â€Å"Maybe Father should give our vampire dance lessons,† Callie whispered, her breath hot on my cheek. Then, suddenly, the vampire stopped waving his arms. The music stopped, and so did the woman. The vampire lurched toward her, took hold of the sleeve of her dress, and tore it off, exposing her milky-white arm. â€Å"Do you feel wicked tonight?† the vampire called to the audience, waggling the fabric toward the crowd. Then he tore off the other sleeve. My stomach turned. â€Å"I ask you, do you feel wicked tonight?† he called again, tossing the fabric into the audience. The crowd cheered as the dancer continued her gyrations, rubbing her back against the â€Å"vampire.† Slowly, she peeled away her clothing, item by item, sending a silk stocking or a slip into the audience until most of her body was on display. As the music picked up speed, she got closer to becoming entirely nude. At last, she sat in a chair on the stage as the master of ceremonies pulled off the last bit of her top, forcing her to cover herself with her hands. â€Å"As he is a beast from hell, the only way to stop a vampire is with a stake to the heart. But they can also be kept away with a crucifix â€Å" At this, the dancer pantomimed a futile search for pockets that might contain a stake or crucifix. I slumped in my chair, thinking of my own attacks. Of Alice, of Lavinia, of the nurse whose name Id never known. There was nothing beautiful or romantic about those attacks. They were quick, bloody, deadly. Id ended their lives without a second thought, with swift violence and a thirst for more. â€Å"Are you okay?† Callie asked. For the first time, I realized how tightly Id been clutching her hand. I loosened my grip, and instantly she snuggled closer to me in my seat. Her blood pumped like sweet music through her body, and the warmth of her body soothed my anger. I relaxed into her, taking in the softness of her voice as she laughed at the play. Callie was warm and soft and so veryalive. I wanted this moment to freeze, to last into eternity, with nothing but me and Callie and her beating heart. There was nothing else I needed in that moment, not blood, not power, not D– My body tensed and I sat straight up. What was I doing? Had I forgotten my brother, what I had done to him, so quickly? I stood up. â€Å"Down in front!† a voice barked a few rows behind me. â€Å"I-Im sorry. I have to go,† I said, stumbling toward the door. â€Å"Stefan, wait!† she called. But I kept going until I was on the street, running from the late-night bustle all the way to the riverbank. As I stared down at my reflection in the swirling water, Percys words echoed in my head: â€Å"Youll either want to kill her or kiss her, and neither scenario will end well for you.† He was right. Because while I truly didnt know whether I wanted to kiss or bite Callie, I knew I wantedher.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Somalia and cultural factors that can cause a well founded nation to collapse and how such situations can be controlled to avoid the kind of nations that Somalia finds itself in.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Donald Woods and the Death of Activist Steve Biko

Donald Woods and the Death of Activist Steve Biko Donald Woods (born December 15, 1933, died August 19, 2001) was a South African anti-apartheid activist and journalist. His coverage of Steve Bikos death in custody led to his exile from South Africa. His books exposed case and were the basis of the movie, Cry Freedom. Early Life Woods was born in Hobeni, Transkei, South Africa. He was descended from five generations of white settlers. While studying law at the University of Cape Town, he became active in the anti-apartheid Federal Party. He worked as a journalist for newspapers in the United Kingdom before returning to South Africa to report for the Daily Dispatch. He became the editor-in-chief in 1965 for the paper that had an anti-apartheid editorial stance and a racially integrated editorial staff. Uncovering the Truth About the Death of Steve Biko When the South African black consciousness leader Steve Biko died in police custody in September 1977, journalist Donald Woods was at the forefront of the campaign to get the truth revealed about his death. At first, the police claimed that Biko had died as the result of a hunger strike. The inquest showed that hed died of brain injuries received while in custody and that hed been kept naked and in chains for a prolonged period before his death. They ruled it held that Biko had died as a result of injuries received after a scuffle with members of the security police in Port Elizabeth. But why Biko was in jail in Pretoria when he died, and the events attending his death werent explained satisfactorily. Woods Accuses the Government over Bikos Death Woods used his position as editor of the Daily Dispatch newspaper to attack the Nationalist government over Bikos death. This description by Woods of Biko reveals why he felt so strongly about this particular death, one of many under the apartheid regimes security forces: This was a new breed of South African- the Black Consciousness breed- and I knew immediately that a movement that produced the sort of personality now confronting me had qualities that blacks had been needing in South Africa for three hundred years. In his biography Biko Woods describes the security policemen testifying at the inquest: These men displayed symptoms of extreme insularity. They are people whose upbringing has impressed upon them the divine right to retain power, and in that sense, they are innocent men- incapable of thinking or acting differently. On top of that, they have gravitated to an occupation that has given them all the scope they need to express their rigid personalities. They have been protected for years by laws of the country. They have been able to carry out all their imaginative torture practices quite undisturbed in cells and rooms all over the country, with tacit official sanction, and they have been given tremendous status by the government as the men who protect the State from subversion. Woods Is Banned and Escapes to Exile Woods was hounded by the police and then banned, which meant he was not to leave his East London home, nor could he continue to work. After a childs t-shirt with a photo of Steve Biko on it posted to him was found to have been impregnated with acid, Woods began to fear for the safety of his family. He stuck on a stage moustache and dyed my grey hair black and then climbed over the back fence, to escape to Lesotho. He hitchhiked some 300 miles and swam across the flooded Tele River to get there. His family joined him, and from there they went to Britain, where they were granted political asylum. In exile, he wrote several books and continued campaigning against apartheid. The movie Cry Freedom was based his book Biko. After 13 years in exile, Woods visited South Africa in August 1990, but never returned to live there. Death Woods died, aged 67, of cancer in a hospital near London, UK, on August 19, 2001.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Case Law Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Law - Case Study Example American Disability Act (ADA) â€Å"applies to disabilities that affect a major life activity, and those areas of coverage are vision, mental and motor skills, ability to care for one’s self and commute to employment†. In the case of Miss Clark, the fact that she is blind has been known to the company for a long time, as she holds the Vice-President position. Even though she is suffering from visual impairment, it did not prevent her from fulfilling her duties and responsibilities as the Vice-President of the company. However, due to her physical disability, the company refused to promote her to the position of Senior Vice-President because they think that she is not capable enough to carry-out the functions of an SVP. In spite of this physical defect, she has remained loyal to the company and worked for them in several years. Without a doubt, there is a clear violation of the law when the employer prevented the career advancement of Miss Clark by denying her of the pos ition of the Senior Vice-President. It bears stressing that she has surpassed the qualifications for the position of the SVP as seen in her work performance, professionalism and competencies in the execution of her duties and responsibilities in the company. This has been further bolstered by the good working relationship she shares with her colleagues and subordinates. To illustrate the reasonableness of her promotion, ADA provides steps or guidelines for the victim-employee to prove disability discrimination in order to file a valid claim against the employer. The following requisites are: First: A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; Second: A record of such impairment, or being regarded as having such impairment; and Third: Accordingly, to fall within this definition, one must have an actual disability, have a record of disability or be regarded of having one. Verily, in the light of the justifications provided